What are the top 5 pickleball states in the US?

The answer may surprise you! The top 5 pickleball states are actually California, Florida, Texas, New York and Ohio. These states represent a lot of the pickleball that is happening in the US. Pickleball is actually the fastest growing sport in America. So why are these states the top 5 pickleball states?

  • California.
  • Florida.
  • Texas.
  • New York.
  • Ohio.


Pickleball in California is common and there are courts EVERYWHERE but some may be harder to find than others. California has great weather year-round, which means that people can play pickleball outdoors all year long.


Florida also has great weather year-round as well, but it also has a large retirement community who are interested in pickleball. Actually our first times every playing Pickleball were in Key West, Florida. There's an awesome set of courts with some decent competition there as well. 


Texas has a large population, which means there are more people playing pickleball. It's taken the US by storm and Texas especially in the last couple years has seen the sport grow immensely. We aren't telling Football to watch out but its getting up there. 

New York

New York has a lot of indoor facilities where people can play pickleball during the winter months. There are even indoor courts around the city, a few we've seen are the Chelsea Recreation Center. If you're new to Pickleball living in New York City you can get lessons from NYC Pickleball


Ohio rounds out the top 5 because it has a little bit of everything - good weather, large population and indoor facilities.


If you're interested in playing pickleball, these are the states to check out!

August 29, 2022